Swervfest Daytona 2022
I told myself in 2022 that I would make an effort to travel to more out of town events. it took till June but I finally started to plan out some of these trips. First stop was Swervfest Daytona held at One Daytona right across from the world famous Daytona International Speedway. I have always been connected with the Florida scene through Ravi of V2lab / Sorcery , Khris Means of ASM, and Roscoe of ILDS. Swerv is owned by Daniel Roache based in central Florida, and we have been social media friends for awhile, but we finally met in person at Riverside Chattanooga. He made me promise on camera to make the trip down to Swervfest then. I have broken many many promises on attending Florida events. So I had to make good on these promises this year.
One Daytona is a big open air shopping center surrounded by hotels, and restaurants. The venue provides a nice backdrop seeing the cars lined up along the manicured grass. The shops and restaurants also provides a chance for people to take a break from the event and relax. Even though it rained the crowd came out, and it helped keep the temperature down.
When attending events, I always take note of the layout and organization of the event. The vehicles were laid out evenly and the vendors were in the direct walkway and very accessible. As someone that has been on the hosting side and the vendors side. I can say that having space as a vendor is so important. Its hard for the customer to differentiate whos who and what each vendor is offering.
I am always amazed how many entrepreneurs we have in our scene. In the past people would sell their merch out the trunk of their cars in the parking lot. Its crazy to see how everything has evolved and how well people are presenting their merchandise. Its also great to see the energy in Florida within all the big brands and events. In the past there was animosity amongst certain events. But the newer generation has laid the foundation of good vibes between all, and it shows. Big shout out to the Swervfest team for hosting an A+ event. Check out a few photos below of some of my favorites.