Southrnfresh 12: Update

Southrnfresh 12 tickets are available at Southrnfresh.com.

Pre Purchased tickets have been shipped and you all should have been receiving them!  Reminder that pre purchasing tickets is the easiest and cheapest way to enter the event and park your car inside the venue amongst your peers.  And it also enters you for a chance to take home the Top 20 award!     

The Midway ticket admits your vehicle to park inside the midway for Southrnfresh 12 and is only good for one vehicle and the driver.

 If you plan on having a passenger please have them purchase their spectator tickets in advance and they will be allowed in with anyone parking in the midway during early roll-in.


The spectator ticket is for those just attending the show to spectate.  Spectators will be allowed in at 2pm when the show starts!  


There is not a vehicle submission process for SF12 and everyone is welcome to have their vehicle on the midway , but we do ask that you check yourself and bring your best out to be displayed. We do give out trophies at our events. There are no score cards, categories, or specific things we look for. They are solely based on are based on what we see fit each year.

Please be sure to email us photos of your vehicle to Southrnfresh12@gmail.com.

Photos are used for us to know what to expect and social media, so please send high quality photos.


Make sure shipping address is correct when submitting your information.
You will be receiving a physical ticket in the mail with all your credentials and roll-in information.

We will be rearranging the event this year and utilizing the whole park instead of just the midway.  Last year we filled up the midway by 2:30 and had to close the gates.  This year we wanted to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance to come in and display their builds this year.  We will be utilizing the lake front parking as well, and during roll-in we will be hand selecting 40 vehicles to park lake side for your viewing pleasure.  The venders will be moved up front on the paved area in order to give them proper space to display their products and showcase their booth vehicles.

As usual the best way to secure your spot is to get your tickets!




2245 Callaway Road SW
Marietta, GA 30008
2pm – 6pm

Check out or current Vendor lineup and Food Trucks!  

Joseph Dale

Joseph Dale SF Owner/Editor Born in Houston, Texas Lives in Atlanta, GA Mazda Lover