Caffeine & Octane / Gears and Beers Jan 2019
First Sundays in Atlanta is Caffeine & Octane and Gears and Beers for us. This lined up perfect with the break in the weather. For the last 2-3 weeks we have had non stop rain, and it finally let up for the weekend, and people seemed desperate to get out the house. C&O was extremely packed this month, and as usual Butler Tire brought out some heat in the form of a Lamborghini Urus and Mercedes E63S on new AG Luxury Forged wheels. We walked around for a few hours and snapped some photos of our favorites that we saw. And headed over to Gears & Beers after grabbing some breakfast..
Gears & Beers was unusually packed also, but not with the usual German car presence. But with a lot of people that had heard about the gathering elsewhere online, so it definitely wasn’t the typical Gears & Beers. Most people behaved, but with a larger crowd it breeds more stupidity. Either way, good Sunday in Atl…